秦野日本語教室 |外国人の日本語学習を援助するボランティア

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Speech Contest February 2

Speech Contest February 2 There will be no study on this day. Everyone will give a speech.

Year-end party

We will have an end of year party. If you want to attend, please tell your teacher.

About Hadano Japanese Language Classes

The purpose of this Japanese language classes is to deepen mutual understanding by expanding interaction between foreign citizens and local people. We also accept consultations about daily life. Hadano Japanese Language Classes support people learning Japanese with using the textbook “Minna no Nihongo” (published by 3A Network) as a main learning material. No matter where you come from, anyone can join us. We kindly teach you to suit your needs and goals. If you see friends or someone who is having trouble with Japanese in your neighborhood or workplace, please invite them. Let’s have fun studying Japanese together. You can join anytime.

INFORMATION Foreign Language

About classroom

Tuition fee Tuition 
Place Hadano Kodomo Kan(2F)
Date  Sunday(1st,3rd,4th)
Time 14:00〜16:00
Text book Minna no Nihongo (you can borrow in classroom)
In the classroom, we divide learners into groups based on their Japanese level and we study in 2~5 people.

When your first time coming, we will create you a personal specialized file.
You can record date and what you learned.

In the classroom, we mainly focus on learning Japanese, but we also hold events several times a year.


In the classroom, we divide learners into groups based on their Japanese level and we study in 2~5 people.

When your first time coming, we will create you a personal specialized file.
You can record date and what you learned.

In the classroom, we mainly focus on learning Japanese, but we also hold events several times a year.

Learning scenery gallery​



257-0042 3-12 Kotobukicho, Hadano City Hadano Children’s Center 2nd floor

●10 minutes walk from Hadano Station “North Exit”
●Bus “To Fujidana” “To Hadano Station via Kuzuhadai Kanagawa Hospital”
0 minutes walk from Joyful Town

・When getting off at Joyful Town
Hata 23 For Fujidana
Hata 26 bound for Hadano Station (via Kuzuhadai/Kanagawa Hospital)
Hata 27 bound for Hadano Station (via Kanagawa Hospital/Kuzuhadai)

・In case of getting off at Nakajuku, in addition to the above,
Hata 19 For Fujidana
Hata 20 Minoge line
Hata 21 Yabitsu Pass line
Hata 22 For Kanagawa Hospital
Hata 25 Kobo Soya line
3 minutes walk from Nakajuku stop




The Japanese language classes are held with the aim of helping foreign residents living in Hadano City in various ways, supporting people learning Japanese, expanding exchanges with local people, and deepening mutual understanding. Why don’t you feel free to learn Japanese? We look forward to.

Recruitment of students
and volunteers

Recruitment of students
and volunteers